Final Image Videos of SMAKS in action The Sequential Magnetically Accelerated Kinetic Sculpture, or SMAKS, is a kinetic sculpture that uses solenoids to accelerate a magnet back and forth inside…

Grove (Breath Sensing Flower)

Flower with LightingSketch ModelInitial PrototypeSecond IterationThird IterationFourth IterationFinal PrototypeInstalled at Burning Man 2016 Excerpt of Shilo Shiv Suleman's Grove video I was one of four students at NuVu Studio selected…

Lung Dress

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Lung Dress at Boston Fashion Week 2015Lung Construction DiagramLung Use Diagram Excerpt of NuVu Studio/Amro Arida's "Beyond Human" video featuring the Lung Dress The Lung Dress is a conceptual exoskeleton…


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WingsClose Up of Flapping Mechanism “Wings” is a kinetic, flapping-wing wire sculpture. The main body is made of twisted steel wire joined with aluminum wire. The wings are regular steel…

Self-Portrait in Brass

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Self-Portrait in Brass Self-portrait cut into a 4.5 x 3 inch brass plate with a jewelry saw. Mounted onto a recycled vinyl record using handmade silver rivets.

Fingerprint Ring

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Fingerprint RingRing on Hand Nickel ring with a drawing of my fingerprint chemically etched into it. Hammered into shape and soldered, with a liver-of-sulfur patina to darken the background.

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