Mycelium Furniture Project

Coffee TableSpokes (basic module configuration)Hexagon (basic module configuration)Small Chair (complex module configuration)Bench with Armrests (complex module configuration) The Mycelium Furniture Project was my self-directed high school capstone for The Cambridge…

Grove (Breath Sensing Flower)

Flower with LightingSketch ModelInitial PrototypeSecond IterationThird IterationFourth IterationFinal PrototypeInstalled at Burning Man 2016 Excerpt of Shilo Shiv Suleman's Grove video I was one of four students at NuVu Studio selected…

Lung Dress

  • Post category:Art

Lung Dress at Boston Fashion Week 2015Lung Construction DiagramLung Use Diagram Excerpt of NuVu Studio/Amro Arida's "Beyond Human" video featuring the Lung Dress The Lung Dress is a conceptual exoskeleton…


I created Visualoid, a digital performance art piece, with a friend at NuVu Studio. I designed the visual aspect, while my partner on the project worked on the music. The…

Pottery Simulator

I co-designed and built a ‘holographic’ pottery simulator at NuVu. The overall structure is made of laser-cut plywood to enclose a television and hold an acrylic pyramid in place. A…

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